Oto Lounge

Oto Lounge – en karakteristisk lenestol med minimal miljøpåvirkning. Sete og rygg i formpresset tre gir en holdbar stol som kan trekkes om mange ganger i fremtiden. En klassisk ikonisk lenestol som vil vare lenge.

Sete og rygg i formpresset tre.
Trukket med stoff eller lær fra vårt brede sortiment.
Understell i tre, ask, eik eller svartbeiset ask.

Vekt7 kg
Bredde570 mm
Lengde630 mm
Høyde68 mm

Lars Hofsjö

With a background in industrial design, now combined with the art of furniture design, Lars Hofsjö creates pieces with an extra dimension. It’s furniture based on ideas so bright they will enlighten any public space or home. The modern, multifunctional design reinvents many traditional concepts, giving interior design new possibilities. The concept behind Rumbler is to bring out the very essence of every piece. You will find that in the design there are functions that makes the product not only beautiful, but also well adopted to today’s flexible lifestyle. The ability to use a bookshelf up-side down is one practical example, the table with shelves designed for remote controls and magazines is another

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