Punto Y Coma

Punto Y Coma, den «svevende» lampen. Vaieren festes i taket, slik at lampen henger ned mot gulvet. Lampen kan justeres i mange posisjoner ved å stramme/senke vaieren. Kobles enkelt til et vegguttak.

Lakkert metall, hvit eller svart.
Fleksibel høyde og posisjon med vaieroppheng.
E27-sokkel med lavenergi lyspære.
Anbefalt lyskilde, lavenergi 20 W eller antikk 125 mm 60 W.

Vekt5 kg
Lengde1 270 mm

Federico Churba

Federico Churba was born in Buenos Aires on September 4th, 1976. He graduated as an industrial designer from the University of Buenos Aires in 2001. He participated in the Domus Academy workshop "Raices Débiles" (Weak Roots) His designs have been exhibited internationally at the fairs 100% Design, in London 2003, ICFF, New York in 2004, Pitty Living, Milan 2006, and SaloneSatellite, Milan 2010 and 2011. He won second prize for "Casa FOA, diseño de autor" (Casa FOA, artist's design) in 2002 and 2003, the prize "100% Foundation" en 2003, "CMD, contenedores para el mundo" (CMD, containers for the world) and also a Design Report Award Special Mention in Milano 2010. Federico Churba was a lecturer at the University of Buenos Aires and has been invted to present at seminars and courses for designers and architects such as the series "Ardi, Arquitectura + Diseño", organised by the Sociedad Central de Arquitectos (SCA), and at the international interior design and design meeting "Dara ID", amongst others. He currently directs his own studio where he develops furniture, lighting and objects for the domestic environment.

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